( Skip ahead to 3:55 for the build) We show you how to make a very simple but highly effective dust collection system for your shop. These systems save the filter and motor on your shopvac. No need to buy expensive cyclonic dust collection systems, this works as good or better. Check out our blog here: http://www.countrylivingexperience.com/blog/ Our Homestead tool store can be found here: http://www.countrylivingexperience.com/homestead-store/ Parts List: 2 - 5 gallon buckets 24" of 3/8" clear rubber tubing 24" of 2" pvc pipe 4 bolts 2 or 3 small clamps silicone sealer 1 - pvc neck down from 2" to 1 1/2" Thank you and as always, have a great day!